It has been a year of great change.
I spent about an hour and a half last night reading back over the Facebook posts and status updates on my profile since my birthday in 2009. It was an interesting exercise and one I plan to revisit every so often. It really showed me a couple of things about my life. It has most definitely been a year of great change.
I went from someone who worked for money (and fulfillment) to someone who stayed home full-time with a small person! I went from someone who I thought was not that excited about having kids to someone who now has one and can admit publicly that I love motherhood.
I noticed that I have many very supportive friends. Some of them I see all the time. Some of them I haven't seen in person for many years. Yet all have been giving of themselves and their advice when requested or needed. I know some people say Facebook has made friendship less meaningful, and I can see why that may be the case, but for me, it has enabled me to reconnect with many friends who no longer live close by. It has meant that people who (for whatever reason) can't come and visit can still see Bede and his progress (and follow mine).
I also noticed that (despite my many protestations to the contrary) I was actually very excited to be pregnant and loved most of it. On the same topic, I saw many many updates (more than I ever thought I could write) extolling the positives of motherhood. Sure there were also many many negative posts...some days the positives felt very far away. But over all I think we can say that motherhood has been a positive experience.
It was interesting to me to realise that Facebook is almost better than a baby book for me in that I update with almost every new skill mastered or cute expression espied. I have a real baby book. But I would have to check my Facebook profile to accurately update it!!
So for next year instead of a new baby, we will have a new home, a new Church family, a new geographic and social area to get used to. Many changes. Will my Facebook profile adequately reflect the scope and effect of all of them? Probably not since working in ministry has its own ethical and privacy codes. But I will certainly try to live as openly in ministry as I try to live in motherhood so that no one can say I am half-hearted in my motherhood or in my ministry or in my marriage.
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