Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The wand chooses the wizard...

It is almost here.  It has almost arrived.  After years of waiting, and counting down, we are about to see yet another Harry Potter Film.   The trailers promise an extravaganza of Biblical proportions.  And so does the would have to given that it was split into two films.

I have just finished re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (for the squillionth time).  I am a huge advocate of reading books more than once.  In my school days I used to be bamboozled because girls who had not even read an English text we were studying would beat me in exams when I had read the book countless times (inconceivable I know...mind you I was sure I was just a failed genius...).  And it is not as though I don't "get it" the first time.  I re-read it for the sheer pleasure of re-visiting familiar and beloved characters, places and situations, and because I almost always discover something new in a book each time I read it.

This time was no exception.  There I was reading HP7 when I discovered something about wandlore I was hitherto unaware of.   It seems that the descriptors of the wand have 2 functions (that I have so far discerned).

1) We find out the eventual height of the owner of the wand.  The length of the wand is directly proportional to their adult height (Hagrid's wand is 16 inches long where most other people's would be between 9 and 13)
2) We also find out about the flexibility of the character (note that Bellatrix has a wand that is rigid, whereas Draco Malfoy's is bendy).  This could indicate the propensity of the character to be swayed from a position they have adopted, or (in the case of Wormtail, to be broken).

I don't think this is the only thing we can learn about the characters from their wand descriptions.  I have not as yet investigated the supposed properties of the kind of wood that makes up the wand.  Mind you it might be interesting to do that since Hagrid's is made from oak which is a long lived, strong and constant wood.

Anyway.  Enough musing on the world of HP.  Soon enough (14 days to be precise).  I will be sitting in a cinema (without a babysitter will be required) eagerly anticipating the opening credits of the penultimate installment of the HP saga!!!



  1. And did you enjoy the long awaited HP movie?

  2. It was everything I thought it would be and more!!! I am already counting the days til the next one...

    It had all the elements of an awesome movie...suspense, humour, vengeance!!!
