Saturday, September 25, 2010

The smiley face to thank God for...

I hate that the goodness or otherwise of my day has become all about how well Bede has slept that day.  It has been that way for way too long and I need to get over it.  It is hard but I really really need to get over it. 

What I need should be doing is thanking God for a happy, healthy boy who is growing well and who 95 % of the time is an absolute joy!  I should be spending more time writing posts like "Giggles" a few days ago.  

I should be spending more time thinking of the new skills he's learnt this week like:
     -  clapping spontaneously
     -  reaching down to pick something up without falling over (from a standing position whilst holding on to something)
     -  moving from crawling position to sitting position 

He is a JOY so often, with his smiley face and his snuggling in for a cuddle.

As a posted on facebook a few weeks ago, it is days like this one (and a few others lately) that remind me how easy (comparatively) we have it with Bede.  He has always slept well at night, eaten well (taking to breastfeeding like a duck to water), reached milestones early, and been good as gold for any and all babysitters.  I know many people who have it a lot harder than I do, which is why I shouldn't whinge.  

So I need to pray for thankfulness for my smiley little boy, and patience to keep smiling when he has a (rare) bad day.

1 comment:

  1. I love the sentiment here and I'm generally not a fan of telling people how to do things, especially unsolicited BUT I'm going to take a step out and say, please be careful about the "shoulds" that you put on yourself - everyone's experience is different, everyone's child is different and everyone's thresholds for things like sleep and rest are different. It's great, right and wonderful to recognise the ways you have been blessed with your little man but it's not wrong to be overwhelmed on a day when he has little or not sleep. Just don't want you to go down the path I went, and have seen others go down where we feel the "shoulds" so greatly that it actually becomes damaging.
